How To Ride The Bus
Welcome to the MOOver!
Ask the mask mandate has been removed, face coverings are no longer required. All riders and drivers are welcome to wear face coverings if they prefer. If you do not feel well do not ride the bus. Other operating policies and route schedules may change without notice.
WHEELCHAIR LIFTS are provided on all the MOOver buses. Our professionally-trained drivers are pleased to assist wheelchair riders on and off the bus. TTY services are available to hearing and speech challenged riders by calling Vermont Relay at 711 or (800) 253-0196.
BUS STOPS are round MOOver signs at the locations listed on the Route Map. The bus stops at all locations on the map only when a rider is standing beneath the sign. Along the route riders may wave or flag the bus down to be picked up as long as the driver considers the area safe enough to pull over. The driver will not stop near corners, at intersections, on steep hills or other hazardous areas.
DESTINATION SIGNS featuring the route name, color, and number are on the front and side of each bus. Since all buses look alike, make sure you get on the right one! Ski racks are available on all deviated fixed route buses on the rear of the vehicle. Bring your ski poles, small skis, and snowboards on board the bus.
PETS are not allowed on the bus with the exceptions of service animals or pets in pet carriers going to the veterinarian.
All MOOver routes are fare free!
Students waiting for the bus between the scheduled stops above must stand by the side of the road and wave at the bus as it approaches so the driver can see you and pull the bus over. If you are standing at an unsafe stop, the driver– will signal to you where to go to meet the bus and will wait for you there. We will accommodate everyone the first time, but we will ask students to walk to a saferlocation, if necessary, for future stops. Remember it is dark when many of these routes run, so use a flashlight or wear bright clothing to grab the driver’s attention
The MOOver buses are not school buses and are open to the public. Our behavior policies are enforced by the driver and MOOver management, not by the schools. If your student has a problem, they will need to contact the driver immediately. When getting off a MOOver bus walk BEHIND it to cross the road, NOT in front of it. The MOOver buses do not have flashing lights that give you the right of way to cross a street. You are a pedestrian when you exit the bus and must yield to traffic.
For more information call the MOOver Office at 464-8487 or go to the MOOver website, or the MOOver Facebook page.
Passenger Code of Conduct
The following items and behaviors are not allowed in SEVT buses, bus stops, and shelters:
- Use of tobacco products (including e-cigarettes and vaporizers), drugs, or alcohol
- Firearms, knives, weapons of any kind, car batteries, gasoline, kerosene, or other flammable liquids
- Uncovered drinks or messy foods. Make sure your coffee is in a container with a sealed lid
- Distracting, arguing, or threatening the bus driver
- Soliciting any product or service
- Disruptive behavior
- Use of profanity
- Bicycles and scooters
- BULLYING or HARASSMENT of any kind
- Offensive language including, but not limited to, racial slurs or derogatory remarks based on race, gender or sexual orientation
- Leaving a knapsack on a seat when the bus is full, occupying two seats, or saving a seat
- Taking more than one consecutive round trip
- Must have a shirt and shoes on
- Leave the designated seats at the front of the bus for seniors and persons with disabilities.
- Stay behind the white line.
- Dispose of all trash in the wastebasket
- Keep your feet off the seats
- Face forward when sitting, and keep the aisle clear of your feet, legs and carry-ons
SEVT does not tolerate any rider’s behavior that threatens the health, safety and well-being of the riding public. Any belligerent, violent, offensive or inappropriate behavior will result in the permanent removal of that rider from the bus. The video camera footage is the property of SEVT and will be used to resolve conflicts.
Riding the MOOver buses is a benefit to the community and is the result of years of hard work, securing grants and building relationships with riders. We welcome you onboard the bus, we’re glad to have you and we hope you will work with us to enjoy the service we are able to provide.
For driver compliments or complaints please call the SEVT Office at 802-463-2475.
Southeast Vermont Transit Title VI Program
I. Statement of Policy
Southeast Vermont Transit (SEVT), as a subrecipient of federal grant money through the Vermont Agency of Transportation, is required by the FTA to conform to Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and its amendments. Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 requires that no person in the United States, on the grounds of race, color or national origin be excluded from, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination, under any program or activity receiving federal financial assistance. Presidential Executive Order 12898 addresses environmental justice in minority and low-income populations. Presidential Executive Order 13166 addresses services to those individuals with limited English proficiency.
SEVT is committed to enforcing the provisions of Title VI and protecting the rights and opportunities of all persons associated with SEVT or affected by its programs. SEVT’s commitment includes vigorously enforcing all applicable laws and regulations that affect SEVT and those organizations, both public and private, which participate and benefit through our programs.
SEVT will take positive and realistic affirmative steps to ensure that all persons and/or firms wishing to participate in its programs are given an equal and equitable chance to participate. Any sub-recipients and contractors are required to prevent discrimination and ensure nondiscrimination in all of their programs, activities and services.
Any person(s) who feels that they have been discriminated against is encouraged to report such violations in writing to the SEVT office as described in section III.
For the full Title VI policy, click here.
For the Title VI complaint procedure form, click here.